If you are just now landing on my blog posts, you will want to know that this post comes just after a discussion of God's irresistible grace and man's free will. We've been pondering simple things...
In my previous post, I shared excerpts from 3 articles that support this statement: Grace is irresistible.
In this post I'm going to discuss how a theology of irresistible grace affects our...
I'm writing this blog post on February 18, 2023. In the past few weeks news of revival has spread like wildfire across our nation from the small campus of Asbury University in...
This is the third thing you pastor might not have told you about prayer. Now that we’ve dealt with 2 MAJOR issues we have with prayer—I’m going to conclude with this big one. Are...
Where did we get it wrong?
When were we taught that prayer was a sweet little thing we do when we get too old to do the other "things?"
Maybe it started in 2nd grade Sunday School when we...
I asked my granddaughter, River, how she would define peace. She said, "It's not war. It's not when people are angry and fighting."
She defined peace by pointing to its' opposite. If we live...
This is part 4 of what I've decided now is a 5-part series on learning how to hear the voice of God. As I was preparing to publish this post, I came across this youtube message by pastor Mike Todd....
This is the 3rd part of a 4 part series on hearing the voice of God. Prayer is such a marvelous mystery! Just the thought that the God of the Universe invites us into relationship with Him where we...
Today I’m going to share with you 2 of 8 ways God speaks and how you can be sure to hear Him.
God speaks to your heart, not to your ears.
God gave you ears to process sound...
If there were anything I'd love to be able to gift Jesus followers with, it would be the ability to hear God's voice loud and clear. What if we could rise up out of the baptismal waters and...
The Bible teaches us that God has plans for our lives, and that one of the privileges of our position in Christ is to release those plans through our prayers. Consider what Jesus said about...
When I was 12 years old, I heard that when we prayed, we were supposed to go into our closet and pray to God who sees us in that secret place. So I got myself a cardboard box, covered it with a...