What is pride?
Pride is not merely thinking too much of oneself, but rather thinking of oneself too much.
In other words, pride is living from a “me” center. Pride has me...
It was March 8, 2011. I'd just come home from having a colonoscopy. The weather was cruddy, and my heart was heavy.
I was having the colonoscopy because a normal follow up in treatment for...
This is part 4 of what I've decided now is a 5-part series on learning how to hear the voice of God. As I was preparing to publish this post, I came across this youtube message by pastor Mike Todd....
This is the 3rd part of a 4 part series on hearing the voice of God. Prayer is such a marvelous mystery! Just the thought that the God of the Universe invites us into relationship with Him where we...
Today I’m going to share with you 2 of 8 ways God speaks and how you can be sure to hear Him.
God speaks to your heart, not to your ears.
God gave you ears to process sound...