Facing the Facts While Clinging to God's Promises believing god can i trust god confidence in god devotions faith fear and faith god's got this hope peace Jan 09, 2024

If I could have visited Joseph about 6 months into his prison sentence, I would have asked him if he still believed God's promises. 

"Joseph, what do you make of all those dreams God gave you...

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Let the Music Move You! My Personal "Battle Songs" Play List begging in prayer believing god can i trust god confidence in god fear and faith god's got this Jul 24, 2023

When I wrote Spiritual Warfare for WomenI said a lot of things I knew were true, but hadn't yet experienced the full weight of their truth.  Like this, the first sentence in the...

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God Speaks to Us in Ways We Can Hear Him begging in prayer can i trust god does god talk to us today favored by god fear and faith god speaks gods got this hearing gods voice how to hear god's voice Feb 13, 2023

It was March 8, 2011. I'd just come home from having a colonoscopy. The weather was cruddy, and my heart was heavy. 

I was having the colonoscopy because a normal follow up in treatment for...

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What's the Secret to Answered Prayer? begging in prayer believing god can i trust god confidence in god faith fear and faith god's got this how to pray how to pray for people in pain how to pray for someone i love how to win spiritual battles secret to answered prayer spiritual warfare where is god when it hurts Aug 24, 2022

When I was 12 years old, I heard that when we prayed, we were supposed to go into our closet and pray to God who sees us in that secret place. So I got myself a cardboard box, covered it with a...

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God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It! believing god can i trust god confidence in god faith fear and faith god's got this how to pray how to win spiritual battles is the bible reliable nothing to fear prayer prayer works the bible is god's word victory Aug 09, 2022

Hmmm, what would my life be like if I really lived this way? Let's break this way of thinking down into its' pieces: 

"God said it!"

When I was a child, most parents had this answer when their...

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If You Just Had Enough Faith a mothers love for her adult kids begging in prayer can i trust god confidence in god faith family estrangement fear and faith god's got this how to pray how to pray for people in pain how to pray for someone i love how to win spiritual battles what about when god isn't good? where is god when it hurts Jul 18, 2022

I pulled this blog post from 2013. Before you read it, I need to tell you what I did before I found this one. I read through several blog posts that were written in 2013, and in reading them I was...

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Look Where Fear Puts You begging in prayer fear and faith nothing to fear praying through pain promise keeper provider what about when god isn't good? May 23, 2022

This blog post is reprinted and revised (just a tad) from a blog I wrote for Lifeway Resources that was posted on their website in January 2015. I accidentally came across it today and was so...

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