Who's the Spiritual Leader in Our Homes?

fathers mothers parenting prayer prayer works promise keeper spiritual authority spiritual leadership in the home truth about women Jun 28, 2022

This year we had so much fun on both Mother's Day and Father's Day at our church. On Mother's Day we brought in cotton candy, donuts and a flower truck laden with fresh-picked flowers where we invited Dads and kids to create bouquets for their mothers.

We had a great attendance--maybe an all time high for us! I can't remember how many people came, but there were a lot.

Then, on Father's day we had a mechanical bull, root beer, popcorn and bacon (no biscuits, just little paper trays filled with bacon). The campus was buzzing with excitement as we all exclaimed how much fun it was to taste root beer again, and to come into church to the smells of bacon and popcorn! 

But when we crunched our numbers, there weren't nearly as many people in attendance in Father's Day as there were on Mother's Day.

I didn't think much about this, after all, Father's Day comes in June when people are traveling. And on our church calendar, Father's Day lands just after our camp season when hundreds of our adults serve as counselors and travel with us to the beach, to the river and to the mountains (all in the span of 3 weeks).

But my daughter mentioned it to me and said this, 

"Have you noticed that more people come to church on Mother's Day than Father's Day?"

I might've mumbled something like, "well, it's summer-you know how summer is." 

But she continued, "No, I think mothers are more the spiritual leaders in the homes than fathers. To honor your mother, you go to church on her day. She wants you to come to church with her. When do the kids all get together to go to church on Father's Day? I mean, I go on Father's Day because Dad's preaching, but most families go to the lake, or they go golfing or grilling out for Father's Day--they don't head to church." 

She's not wrong, look what I found online. According to Lifeway research, Mother's Day is the 3rd highest holiday attendance, and Father's Day is the last (even behind homecomings and "friend day"--oh I could tell you a funny experience with "Friend Day" but I will save that for another time.) 

Seems to be a sad "state of affairs" for the church today.

There are a few things in life today that might change everything.

One of those is prayer.

Another of those is for husbands and fathers to step into the spiritual leadership of their homes.

Let's pray they do.

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